Hacking Narratives


StoryHackers started as HackCinema in a first public appearance at Hacks Hackers Buenos Aires in 2012. It was born from an industry in “system failure” and its initial vision was to think of a shift towards convergent narratives. Drawing inspiration from cinematic mavericks and poets like Werner Herzog, Chris Marker, and Wim Wenders, the initial spark of StoryHackers was ignited by a profound need to test the limitations of a system.


At the enchanting Jihlava Film Festival in the Czech Republic, HackCinema took center stage in a session titled 'Audiences in Search of Culture.' The focus was on experience design and a compelling argument was made for reimagining the traditional concept of filmmaking. The claim centered on the need to hack the classical approach to filmmaking and explore new horizons in the realm of cinematic creation." As a Jihlava Emerging producer this experience was simply wonderful.


In 2014, I became a part of the Werner Herzog Rogue Film School in California, having undergone a rigorous selection process overseen by Werner himself. Describing StoryHackers to the OG hacker himself was an empowering and unforgettable experience. Our time with Werner in the mountains was nothing short of incredible, and in his own words, it was truly illuminating.

“If you’re purely after facts, please buy yourself the phone directory of Manhattan. It has four million times correct facts. But it doesn’t illuminate.”

― Werner Herzog


In 2014, I presented my first and only TEDx talk on StoryHackers at the stunning La Plata Planetarium in Argentina. It was an immersive, nerve-racking, and thoroughly enjoyable experience—the perfect opportunity to delve into the art of storytelling: creating constellations out of data.


In this part of the narrative, the details become a bit hazy amid numerous journeys across the globe. From teaching at EICTV in Cuba, the hub of DIY aficionados, to sharing insights at CUNY in NYC, always at Berlinale Talents, the DocSp Bug Lab in Brazil(and a book chapter!), Mexico’s VR Fest, the magical Tlanchana, and MICSUR in Bogotá, Colombia. Making stops in Intravenosa, Cali, and Universidad Veritas, Costa Rica. Travels continued to TLSM in La Paz, Talent Doc Bolivia, ICAU in Montevideo, and the Fundación Telefónica in Uruguay. Further engagements took place at Fundación Telefónica in Buenos Aires, Bafici, and MDQ Fest in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Participating in the Festival Internacional de Cine de Montaña in Ushuaia, Argentina, and involvement with UNDTF, among many others.

A sold out event at MUTEK Montreal and the America’s Cultural summit were two great stops in this storyhacking journey.


For four thrilling years in a row, we were part of the SXSW excitement, hosting numerous sessions at both SXSW and SXSW Edu. From engaging panels to hands-on workshops, generously sponsored by Lego, to RPG game sessions where we explored how Dungeons and Dragons could be the unsung hero saving the world through better stories. Our adventure culminated with a fantastic lineup for SXSW 2020—though the event never happened, the dream lives on, especially for MOON xr, our groundbreaking venture into storytelling for a new space age.

A lot of highlights in the process, from SXSW to a session at Disney Latin America, the Codex opening in Montreal, a wonderful session for the Quirino Animation Film Festival in Tenerife, at ONA New Orleans, and the Alicia Down the Rabbit Hole award at Digital Jove.

In 2023, María Laura returned to MIT and represented StoryHackers as a Storytelling Mentor and Judge for MIT’s Reality Hack in the MIT Media Lab. She was also selected for Worlding, MIT’s Cocreation Studio Program.

If you're eager to bring the StoryHackers experience to your festival, hackathon, event, or educational space, simply reach out to SeirenFilms, and we'll promptly respond with our available proposals. Let’s Hack the World!